I am often asked what I look for in a resume. Here is a list simple things you can do to make your resume stand out. For more on this subject, download my free podcast. This is one of the hottest job markets in the last 15 years. Have your resume up to date and ready to go.
Resume Tips:
- Focus on accomplishments- Focus your resume on what you have accomplished not what you are responsible for.
- Keep it short- 1 page for new grads, no more than 2-3 for experienced professionals.
- Keep it simple – avoid logos and images, use a format that’s not too busy.
- No Typos- Make sure you proofread. (Typos, like the ones I frequently make can sink you) I guess that’s why i’m self employed :-).
- Correct & complete contact info- Include all your info, home e-mail (keep it professional), phone number, and address.
- Customize for each job- Focus your list of accomplishments on the role your applying for. Be truthful but emphasize your experiences that match the job.
- Be accurate- don’t lie on your resume, you could fail your background check if your info. does not add up.
- Keep M&A simple- Don’t make it look like multiple companies if it’s not. Keep all experiences at one company grouped so potential employers can see your sticking power.
Avoid purpose statements- This can only hurt you. What if you purpose does not align with the job? Save the space for accomplishments.
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