The best time to look for a job is when you have a job. It takes a great deal of the stress out of the process, but of course it also creates some additional complications.
Active Candidate or Passive: What’s the Difference?
Looking for a job while you have a job makes you a “passive” job seeker. Just take a few minutes to google the term “passive job seeker,” and you will see that all of the recruiter training from the experts is training recruiters, companies, and hiring managers to look for and hire passive job seekers.
While you have your computer open, look up “active candidates,” “unemployed candidates,” and/or “active job seekers” and see what you find: an equal number of articles telling recruiters, managers, and HR to avoid these types of candidates or at least be wary.
Becoming a Passive Candidate Changes Your Positioning
Here is your first lesson in selling yourself and your career. Position matters. Position yourself as a passive job seeker, and you suddenly become more attractive, more in demand, and less attainable. Passive job seekers don’t apply for jobs. They’re really not even looking for a job, but those are the people in demand. Without changing anything, you have suddenly increased the demand for you.
How to Become a Passive Candidate
Take action to become a passive candidate:
• Keep your resume up to date
• Update and/or complete your LinkedIn Profile
• Build your network—in real life by attending networking events or virtually via LinkedIn
• Choose a recruiter you trust to keep you informed
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